When to call in the (bed bug) dogs…


By Keith Coddington As the use of bed bug detection dogs becomes more commonplace in the Phoenix, Arizona metropolitan area educating consumers and commercial establishments on the benefits of this specialty service is very important.

First of all, bed bug detection dogs are not the answer to every case of bed bugs.  The use of the dogs has their role and can be very effective when warranted, but the use of properly trained, third-party certified and maintained detection dogs is only part of a properly configured plan of attack.

When to use a bed bug detection dog:


  1. When you want to be sure you do not have a bed bug infestation after you have visually inspected all suspected areas and can’t find bed bug evidence.
  1. Post-treatment to be sure that the bed bug treatment was effective.  This is normally completed 30 days after the last treatment or just before a treatment warranty expires.
  1. Inspecting a rental property prior to tenant occupation so you have proof it is bed bug free.


  1. In response to a report of the possibility of bed bugs or a report of biting bugs.  Having a report from a third-party stating that the area is clear of bed bugs can stop unnecessary hysteria in an instant.
  1. Large scale routine proactive inspections such as hotels, hospitals and dormitories.
  1. Post-treatment to be sure the treatment was effective.

Some additional important tips… 

  • Be careful when hiring detection dogs from a company that also treats as this can be a conflict of interest.  Keep in mind that the pest control company makes a much larger profit from recommending treatment than calling it clear with the dogs.  Unfortunately we have been first hand witnesses to these types of scams several times over the last two years.  Many companies sub-contract out the detection dog work which would create a third-party situation that would benefit the consumer.
  • Detection dogs will not be able to effectively sniff in an area that has been treated by pest control dust or diatomaceous earth.
  • Make sure that the detection dog company is not only properly licensed but ask for proof of certification from a third-party that requires a testing standard at or above the National Pest Management Association’s guidelines.
  • Consider who you are hiring.  Are you hiring from a company that bought their dogs or a company that has certified handler and detection dog trainers on staff?
  • Ask for multiple references from repeat customers that have used the company’s services many times over the years.

If you have more questions about bed bug detection dogs, bed bug extermination or if you are already working with a pest control company and something just doesn't seem right feel free to call with no obligation.


Keith Coddington


Cimex K9, LLC
